Southwestern Texas Synod Assembly

Support Lutheran Disaster Response & Folks at the Texas Border

The Synod Assembly of the Southwestern Texas Synod will convene May 3-5 in Corpus Christi. And, this month, there are tangible ways FELC can participate and support friends in need!

At its annual meeting in January, FELC elected Claudia and Paul Barlow to serve as voting members from our congregation. As a congregation and synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America FELC gathers annually for worship, witness, learning, service and support, and to conduct the business of our church.

This year, Southwestern Texas Synod voting members (comprised of rostered leaders (deacons and pastors) and elected lay members from congregations) will also elect our synod bishop. The ELCA consists of 65 synods (or regions) and each synod is served and led by an elected bishop. The term of a bishop in the ELCA is normally six years. For more information on the election of the synod bishop, including pre-identified potential nominees, visit here.

There are several ways that FELC participants can support the synod assembly benevolence activities.

This year’s assembly offering will support the Lutheran Disaster Response, our ELCA ministry that responds to natural and unnatural disasters in the United States and around the world.  If you would like to contribute to the donations to Lutheran Disaster Response you may share a contribution on Sunday, April 28 (please make checks payable directly to Southwestern Texas Synod, memo Lutheran Disaster Response; cash is also welcome).

Assembly participants are also collecting new or gently used laceless tennis shoes for adults and children to be distributed at the Texas border in response to the crisis there.  Please consider bringing shoes to FELC to donate to the synod assembly through Sunday, April 28.

For more information on Synod Assembly benevolence activities, contact Claudia Barlow.