Epiphany House Blessings 2022

January 5 and 6

Epiphany is a traditional time for blessing of the home with readings, prayer, and chalking above the entrance to the home with a blessing for the year. As the magi visited the home of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus and brought gifts and blessings, we bless homes in the name of Christ.

On January 5 Pastor Coffey will visit homes south of FELC, and on January 6 he will visit homes north of FELC. If you would like Pastor Coffey to come to your home and bring an Epiphany house blessing, you may email him (pastor@felcaustin.org) to request being added to the list. Approximate times will be sent out once the schedule is complete. Blessings are performed outside at the front door. You need not be present to have your home blessed.