Church Standing in the Gap: How to Have Difficult Conversations

Tuesdays at 7 PM on FELC Community Zoom

September 27 — October 25

We are living in an increasingly divided society. It often seems impossible to have conversations about important issues with people we disagree with. We may find it particularly challenging to have difficult conversations with family, co-workers, neighbors, and friends with beliefs that are very different from our own.

What is our mission as the church in such a divided time? Is it to argue and win in conversations with those we disagree with? Or is it to find a way to have conversations that create relationships and foster reconciliation rooted in mutual respect? What is difficult conversation like if we don’t have to win and don’t have to agree, and why bother? How do we communicate in ways that lead to deeper trust and understanding? How does the church help heal our divided world by standing in the gap of our current deep divisions?

Pastor Coffey leads us in an adult class on Zoom exploring biblical texts that speak to standing in the gap and practicing techniques that create new possibilities when faced with difficult conversations. To join in the class, use the FELC Community Zoom information shared at the bottom of each weekly email news.

The presentation can be found here.