Transition Team Update | April 19

Hello from the FELC Transition Team!

We are making final edits to a few of the Ministry Site Profile (MSP) questions and are also turning our focus to drafting answers to the “Seven Reflections on Ministry and Context” which is an optional component to the MSP that includes seven open-ended questions, allowing us to further describe our ministry site context. 

We will be coordinating with the Council soon to present the MSP draft for discussion and review. Once accepted by the Council and finalized, the MSP will be submitted to the Synod. A copy of the MSP will also be shared with the congregation at that time. Please note that when the MSP is shared with the congregational community, it will be in its final form and accepting no further edits.

We will then await pastoral candidate matches from the Synod for discernment and interviews.

The Transition Team continues to be grateful for your support, patience, and prayers.

–Allen, Erin, Lillian, Nikki, Barbara, Randy, and Tim 

FELC Transition Team