Reconciling in Christ | Sunday, April 21

On April 24, 1989, First English Lutheran Church was designated as a Reconciled in Christ congregation. Since that time, the designation has adapted to a more inclusive ReconcilING in Christ – since we are always in a process of greater welcome, reconciliation, and inclusion.

On Sunday, April 21 we will celebrate the 35th anniversary (!!!) of this distinction and its brave welcome. Cantor Bryan Rust will preach and Pastor Bob Karli will preside. And, we’ll have an anniversary cake during hospitality on April 21! Then on Sunday, April 28, Pastor Alex Darling-Raabe will be our guest preacher. Pastor Alex is the first openly gay and partnered pastor to be ordained in the Southwestern Texas Synod.

Throughout this transition year we’ll be invited to engage and learn more about how this bold welcome to everyone has been made known and challenged – in our life together and in our engagement in the broader community and wider church.