Learning Ministry Update | May 5

A big thank you to Rev. Bob Karli and LaRu Woody who led Adult and Children’s Faith Formation respectively last week. Bob Karli continued an excellent discussion on the Life-Cycle of a Congregation, and LaRu concluded the Prodigal Son rotation with a session on gratitude for home. Each child designed their own home out of an envelope and some children enthusiastically went further, creating popsicle-stick people to inhabit their homes.

Join us this Sunday, May 5: Ulrich Goebel, Heidi Goebel’s father, will be leading Adult Faith Formation, presenting a special one-session only on Martin Luther at 9am in the Parlor. Professor Goebel’s description of his session can be found here. Nikki Northcutt will be leading Children’s Faith Formation, presenting the first in a rotation about the Holy Spirit and the Early Church at 9am in the Library.

Mark your calendars for Sunday, May 12: Merrily Porter will be leading Children’s Faith Formation, continuing the rotation on the Holy Spirit and the Early Church at 9am in the Library. Bob Karli will be leading Adult Faith Formation, concluding his series on the Life Cycle of a Congregation at 9am in the Parlor.