Jesus, the Light of the World

On February 2 the church honors The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, a minor feast day. Forty days after the birth of Jesus we mark the day Mary and Joseph presented him in the temple in accordance with Jewish law. This feast day that mentions two major saints of the faith: St. Simeon and St. Anna, Elders and Prophets.

Yes, we don’t know much about these saints (noted at the end of Luke 2:22-40) except to say that their patience and wisdom is instructive for a humanity that too easily leans toward immediacy and easy answers. They hold up Christ in all his potential, declaring Jesus a special one. Imagine what could happen if we lifted up all children this way, not just those born in privilege. It could change the world. It has before.

Christians also bless candles today, making the metaphorical shift that the Christ is also the light of the world. The Celts, more practical, would haul out new candles today because it is the midpoint between the solstice and the equinox, and the early winter candles are now spent as we are in the belly of the snow season. But light daily grows, Beloved. Anna and Simeon knew this. St. Simeon and St. Anna are reminders that all who are fortunate become old, but not all become elders. Becoming an elder takes time, intention, patience, and a wisdom that comes from trusting promises in the face of scoffers and opposition.

So, bless your candles today. Give thanks for Jesus, the light of the world – the light of new and unending life.