Introducing our Cantor: Bryan Rust

The FELC Administration Team and the Worship Ministry Team have finalized the Cantor job description.  What is a Cantor, you ask?  The Cantor is a role in the Lutheran church that is broader than a “Director of Music,” encompassing a greater sense of vocation, purpose and ministry to cultivate a richer worship life.  (Read this article if you’d like to delve deeper.)  We believe that the Cantor title is a better reflection of the role at First English historically as well as our vision for the role in the future, as defined by this high-level role description:

The Cantor leads First English Lutheran Church’s music ministry and plans, guides and leads the people in singing and offering musical worship.  The Cantor leads people of all ages and differing abilities in the congregation and in the broader community to develop and grow a robust, multi-faceted worship and arts ministry.  The Cantor prays daily for the mission, ministry, growth, and outreach of the congregation, its organizations, leaders, members, friends, and seekers.

We are excited to work together with Bryan Rust to bring this newly defined and branded to life within our congregation in the months and years to come. If you have any questions, please contact Administration Team members LaRu Woody or Claudia Barlow.