Game Night & Potluck at FELC

Saturday, February 17, at 6:00 PM

WHO:  Anyone who enjoys potluck dinners and/or tabletop games.  FELC members and non-members. Friends from other faiths, or who do not participate in a church. All ages and abilities welcome.

 WHAT: Third Saturday Game Night and Pot Luck Supper.  Bring food you like to share, bring games if you want, or just try one of the many games that arrive.

 WHEN: Saturday February 17, starting about 6:00pm and usually ending by 10:00.

 WHERE: In the Fellowship Hall of First English Lutheran Church, 3001 Whitis.  Enter though the door marked Fellowship Hall, or the door marked Kitchen.

 WHY: Because you got lots of chocolates for Valentine’s Day and want to share?  Because you want to play a simple game with lots of time for conversation? Because you want to play an in-depth game with lots of strategy? Because you have games that you ordered during the pandemic lock-downs that you still haven’t had a chance to play? Because you have an old favorite game you want to bring along? Only you can decide…