Farewell Potluck for Vicar Wes Isberner

Sunday, May 29 2022

Vicar Wes’ last Sunday with us will be May 29. They will preach in worship this Sunday, and we will bless them with a sending service. After worship we will have a potluck in the fellowship hall and share our appreciation for Wes’ ministry among us.

You’re invited to contribute to a cash gift to be given to Wes. You may use our online giving web page (https://www.felcaustin.org/information/giving) and enter the amount under the “Vicar and Staff Gifts” option. If you would like to write a check, please make it payable to First English Lutheran Church, and note it as “Vicar Gift.” If possible, please make your gift donation by Sunday.

Remember potlucks? It’s been a while! Bring something to share if you can, but come even if you can’t. Come enjoy the fellowship, food, and vicar sending.