Council Executive Updates

  • Office location for the Music Minister
  • Fellowship Hall and Education Wing renovations
  • HVA/C to Parish House
  • Micah 6 Proposal

Council continues to assess available space near the sanctuary for our Music Ministry. Once a decision is finalized the location will be announced. The location remains under discussion due to HVA/C issues. Council will be meeting Thursday evening, 13Jul, to discuss this topic in earnest for a solid solution and plan.

Demo of existing ceiling in the Fellowship Hall is completed. The new grid is in place, and lighting work is complete.

Demo and grid work is continuing in the Education Wing. The CDC Directors Office is complete and ready for Jenn to move in.

Work is complete on the lighting in the hallway of the Education Wing. Plumbing work began in the bathrooms serving the CDC in the Education Wing. Updates include a new water heater, doors on the stalls so that the facilities can be truly inclusive and offer gender-neutral privacy opportunities.

While the Education Wing (aka Parish House) is vacant and while contractors are in the building retrofitting the Parish House with HVA/C ductwork seems advisable. The Council has authorized the spending of roughly $1,000 – $1300 to provide HVA/C to the Parish House offices. This money is coming from the 2022 capital campaign. That work is to be completed on Thursday, 13Jul.

Joining together at Micah 6 Ben Rode, Pastor J, Nancy Neuse, and Andy Maclaren have been discussing prospects for the Council volunteering at Micah 6 in the coming months, the better to engage with the realities of the need that the food pantry serves, and to help improve our understanding of the requirements of this vital ministry. The date would be on a Thursday afternoon/evening, 4 – 8 pm or Saturday morning 8 am – noon, as determined from the Micah 6 volunteer schedule at Right now Thursday August 17 seems like a promising date as per the number of slots available. We will need to poll council members for their availability, and it will also be advisable to consider carpooling arrangements, as construction on San Antonio Street around the pantry limits access.

There are a limited number of slots and they may start filling the closer we get to that date. Right now it looks like there are 23 open for pantry assistance on 9 open for receiving, so that should be enough but it can change quickly.