Congregation Officers & Council Members

On February 20, the council elected congregation officers for 2023:

President Nancy Neuse

Vice President: LaRu Woody

Secretary: Elizabeth Zimmermann

Treasurer: Allen Jensen

Financial Secretary: Gwen Flory

The president, vice president, secretary, and the pastor constitute the congregation executive committee. The treasurer and financial secretary do not need to be members of the congregation council to serve.

The 2023 congregation council is: Nancy Neuse, LaRu Woody, Elizabeth Zimmermann, Jerry Don Aguirre, Nancy Baden, Derek Bridges, Gwen Flory, Todd Jermstad, Andrew Koepp, Mary Lou Larson, Kristin Mondy, and Benjamin Rode.

These leaders were installed into leadership on Sunday, February 26. We are grateful for each of them, will pray for them regularly, and we ask God to bless them in their witness to the gospel.