“86 years is a good start!”

Since July 19, 1936 we have shared the love and mercy of Jesus Christ through the witness of First English Evangelical Lutheran Church in Austin, Texas. We give thanks to God for all the saints who have and continue to shape the character, worship, proclamation, learning, engagement, witness, benevolence, and volunteer action of FELC for 86 years strong. On Sunday, July 17 we celebrated with festive worship & hospitality. We welcomed the Rev. Robert Karli as our guest preacher.  Bob Karli served as the fourth pastor of FELC from 1984-2007.

To watch Pastor Karli’s anniversary sermon, visit here on YouTube. The sermon begins at 23:17.

For historical information about our church and our mission and life, visit here

“We all know the church is not a building, it is people. People helping and loving other people in the name of Christ.”