2024 Church Council Nominees

Church Council Nominees

The Nominating Committee is pleased to announce the following nominees to serve as First English Congregation Council Members beginning February, 2024: Leigh Northcutt Benson, Mari Ward, Charlie Boas, and Margaret Bruesch, each for a full three-year term. The entire slate of nominees will be presented for a vote at next Sunday’s congregational meeting. We thank these members for their willingness to serve on the church council. See their bios below:

Leigh Northcutt Benson

Leigh Northcutt Benson is a native Austinite and a lifelong Lutheran.  She is devoted to her faith, husband, son, extended family, cats, and garden. As a child, she attended Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, until the entire Northcutt family moved to First English in 2003.  Leigh was a public educator in AISD for 23 years, serving in teaching and administrative roles and specializing in civics education and equity work at Title 1 schools.  She has always enjoyed singing in church and community choirs. Leigh is grateful to use her administrative and leadership experience in the service of FELC. 

Mari Ward

“I joined FELC about five years ago when my husband and I moved to Austin from College Station to be closer to our grandkids. My father was called to be pastor at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in College Station when I was three years old, and I grew up in Bryan, College Station’s “sister city.” After marrying a TAMU math professor in 1977, we settled in College Station and raised our family there. We attended Peace Lutheran Church in College Station for several decades, where I sang in choir and played piano and organ regularly. At FELC I’ve enjoyed singing with the choir and working on the Racial Justice and Care Ministry teams, and I look forward to getting to know my fellow church members even better now on the church council.”

Charlie Boas

“I was born and baptized into the LCA (predecessor to the ELCA). I was married in the LCA. I have been a member of FELC for about 25 years, and have been on our Council once previously. During worship I can be found filling such roles as Assisting Minister, Lector, Crucifer, Usher, and Live Stream Operator. I serve as the Chartered Organization Representative for our Scouting units, help coordinate the Game Night Outreach Ministry, and have recently started leading children’s Faith Formation classes again. I have been known to trim branches, replace ceiling tiles, do ad-hoc electrical and plumbing repairs, and even lead theatrical endeavors on our stage.

Beyond FELC’s walls, I volunteer heavily with Scare for a Cure, a charitable fund-raising organization supporting the Breast Cancer Resource Center of Austin, where I do construction, special effects, electrical work, and performing. I also do design work for local theatrical performances, and volunteer with the Scouting Organization in various roles. I am retired now, but my career history includes being a Geospatial Analyst, a Research Analyst, a Code Compliance Officer, a Living History Interpreter, a Retail Hardware Store Manager, a Theatrical Technical Director, a Short Order Cook, and a Circus Ringmaster.

I am not afraid to politely share my opinions and to get my hands dirty.  I look forward to serving again on Council.”

Margaret Bruesch

“I found First English in 2008 after deciding to get back to my Lutheran roots. I find the worship experience here deeply satisfying and challenging in turn.  Outside of FELC I am a soon-to-be retired software engineer.  I share my home with a kind-hearted border collie mix named Comet. (Yes, I have pictures.). I look forward to serving on FELC council during this exciting time of transition.”