
We invite you to worship on campus & online on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM, with hospitality time following the liturgy onsite. We livestream on YouTube.

The worship bulletin for Sunday, March 9, is here.

The children’s bulletin for Sunday, March 9, is here.

FELC YouTube links

You can find our livestream on YouTube here.

You can also view the livestream on our website here.

Welcome to FELC

Welcome to First English Lutheran Church & Child Development Center.

You’re invited to fully participate in a community of faith and friendship that gathers for worship, relationship building, personal growth, and service in the community and the world. Following the example of Christ, this congregation welcomes you exactly as you are.

We are committed to the work of racial equity, justice, and advocating for marginalized groups. We welcome people in all places on the journey of faith and life. We celebrate differences in age, appearance, economic status, ethnic origin, nationality, race, family configuration, marital or relationship status, political leaning, religious background, and those who are differently abled physically or mentally.

Since 1989, FELC has openly welcomed persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities and expressions to full participation in the church and society.

We’re Lutheran, so that means we believe in grace for everyone. The good news of Jesus Christ, who brings us the love and mercy of God as a gift, liberates us to love as we are loved, serve as we are served, and give as we have been given much. We rejoice in the diversity that has nurtured and enriched the whole church.

Whether you’re from another faith tradition, a seeker and questioner looking for more to life and a place to explore, or even a lifelong Lutheran, we’re glad to have you.


  • Council Highlights | February 2025
    At the meeting of the church council on February 17, 2025, newly elected council members Elijah Aguirre, Betsy Appleton, Paul Barlow, and Lillian Martinez-Rodriguez were welcomed. Thanks were given for those who rotated off council including Anne Wiebe, Nancy Neuse, and JD Aguirre. The recently created orientation packet for new council members was briefly discussed …
  • Learning Ministry
    Thank you to Heidi Goebel for an informative and fascinating property tour full of historical facts about our building and grounds on Sunday, March 2. Thank you also to Leigh Northcutt-Benson for leading Children’s Faith Formation, featuring a lesson about the Transfiguration. Join us Sunday, March 9, 9 AM in the Parlor for Adult Faith Formation: …
  • Lent 2025
    DEVOTION & ENGAGEMENT IN LENT The season of Lent began on Ash Wednesday, and continues for five weeks and Holy Week. This Lent you are invited to contemplate the theme Wandering Toward God. We often use the theme of a journey to describe life, but that journey is not usually a clear or direct path. …
  • Ash Wednesday | March 5
    Noon & 7:00 PM Noon – at the church building | 7:00 PM – at the church building & online The season of Lent begins with this solemn day of repentance and receiving ashes as a sign of mortality and humility. We are invited to begin the Lenten disciplines of prayer, fasting, almsgiving – works …
  • Alleluia – there were pancakes!
    On the last Sunday after the Epiphany, before Lent began on Ash Wednesday, we sang and shouted “Alleluia” as we omit and remove this Hebrew word of praise until the Easter Vigil. Worshipers colored Alleluia art and each sheet was placed in a box, put inside the altar, awaiting Easter. To keep the feasting alive, …
  • Fastnacht Celebration | March 4
    Join FELC for a Fastnacht celebration on Tuesday, March 4, in the FELC Fellowship Hall. Tuesday night before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday we have a “night before fasting” or Fastnacht. At 6 PM we’ll serve pancakes, and after we’ll begin the talent-show-and-hymn sing. Bring your appetite, talent, favorite hymn, and friends for a night …
  • Repertory Chorus Concert | March 3
    Join Repertory Chorus in concert on Monday, March 3 at 8 PM. This new choir of UT’s Butler School of Music serves as a laboratory chorus for the master’s and doctoral students in choral conducting. FELC is excited to collaborate with UT in this new music and teaching endeavor. This concert will feature J. S. …
  • Transfiguration | Sunday, March 2
    Transfiguration Sunday is a bridge between the Advent-Christmas-Epiphany cycle that comes to a close as the Lent-Easter cycle begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5. Throughout the liturgy we offer “alleluia” which is expressed in a variety of ways. Alleluia means “God be praised.” This word of joy is “buried” during the season of Lent and will be …
  • Stephen Mark Youngdahl (1946-2025)
    We join family, and many friends, colleagues, and parishioners, in giving God thanks for the life and witness of Pastor Steve Youngdahl. Pastor Youngdahl was the founding pastor of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran in Austin, and served that congregation for 35 years. Steve was the sixth vicar/intern pastor at First English in 1970. A memorial service …
  • February 23 | The Seventh Sunday after Epiphany
    The promise and its fulfillment may not look at all alike, even though they are intimately connected. Saint Paul speaks about seeds and plants as he tries to picture resurrection life. Joseph’s brothers never thought they would see him alive again, so how shocking he must have appeared to them as an Egyptian leader! Jesus …
  • Austin Marathon | Sunday, February 16
    The Austin marathon will take place on Sunday, February 16, 2025.  Race day road closures will begin as early as 5 a.m., and may continue along the route as late as 2 p.m, depending upon location.  Pre-race day closures will occur in downtown Austin beginning Friday evening, February 14, on Congress Ave. between Cesar Chavez …
  • Game Night & Potluck | February 15, 6 pm
    Meet in the Fellowship Hall of First English Lutheran Church, 3001 Whitis Ave.  Enter though the door marked Fellowship Hall, or the door marked Kitchen. Bring food you like to share, bring board games if you want, or just try one of the many games that will be available. Anyone who enjoys potluck dinners and/or …

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