Re-Gathering and Re-Forming Ministry Teams

As we return to in-person ministry in the church building, we need to re-form our ministry teams. Now is the time to consider where you can serve to help us re-open well, and continue to have a strong ministry in the Fall and beyond. Everyone is welcome; you do not need a member of this congregation to participate. Consider what area you want to return to, or what ministry is something new for you to try.

The main areas at this time include:

  • Altar Care (setup and clean up for communion)
  • Usher (welcoming worshipers and guiding them as needed, assisting with some elements of the liturgy)
  • Worship Ministers (crucifer, assisting minister, lector, communion minister)
  • Hospitality (providing food and drink to create a welcoming environment for people to stay after worship and visit)
  • Learning Ministry (planning and leading ministry with children on Sunday mornings)
  • Property (overseeing maintenance and improvements for building and grounds)

This is not a comprehensive list of FELC ministry areas. It is the ones we need to focus on right now. Some other ministry areas have continued during the pandemic, such as the Street Youth Drop-In Center meals, Prayer Circle, Racial Justice Task Force and Action Team, online groups, and others, and will continue.

You can quickly and easily let us know what area of service you are interested in by filling out a short form on our web site. Please fill it out even if you have served in an area before.

After completing the form you will be contacted for upcoming training and scheduling. Thank you for considering how you can be a part of making our return to in-person congregational life a gift and a success.

